Thursday, June 6, 2013


When I first began my mentorship I was told I could not be any where near a child play therapy session. this made me curious as to what goes on in a child's first session so I asked my mentor Stacy Maggard, she said when a child first walks in you want to get to know as much about them as possible so they ask the child to draw a picture of their family, school, or anything to really get to know what the child's life is like. For my sponge activity I had my audience draw a picture of their family so that they can get a feeling for what goes on in a therapy room.

It's Universal

As I was doing research I cam across this picture. As I looked more into it I found out this picture was drawn By a little boy who lived in Uganda, I thought it was a perfect example to show to explain that play isn't just used as therapy in the US but around the whole world.

Activity done at home I did for my Presentation

I found this activity in one of my articles by Charles E Schaefer, it is a Filial Play therapy game that is used either in sessions or something simple to do at home.
Weights and Balloons
Therapeutic Rationale
A common challenge in therapy is making abstract therapeutic constructs understandable, meaningful, and concrete to children. Techniques that are enjoyable and hands-onare an ideal way to teach children these complex concepts. Weights and Balloons (by Celia Linden; see Kaduson & Schaefer, 2001, pp. 115117) is an easy, effective technique for teaching children the somewhat com- plicated cognitivebehavioral theory of depression.
Materials needed: a dozen helium balloons, paper and pen, and some type of weight (e.g., rocks, blocks, etc.).
The therapist and the child create a list of negative and positive thoughts that the child has about a specific situation or in general. The lists are kept separate by either putting them on separate sheets of paper or placing them in different columns. After the comple- tion of the lists, the therapist explains how negative thoughts feed the feelings of depression and weigh us down. However, positive thoughts lift our spirits and help us to feel good. The therapist then explains how our thoughts directly influence our feelings and how we can change the way that we feel by altering our thoughts.
Following the explanation, the therapist assigns each negative thought a weight and each positive thought a balloon. The therapist then demonstrates how it feels to hold each of the objects. The child then holds each of the objects to get a sense of the physical sensation. For an older child, the weights can be incremental to represent more damaging thoughts. The therapist has the child hold all of the weights and walk around the room with them. This helps the child see how holding onto ones negative thoughts weighs one down. When the child is told to put the negative thoughts (weights) down, the child can see how it feels not to carry around all that weight anymore. Next, the therapist discusses the weightlessnessof the positive thoughts and teaches the child how positive thoughts are helpful.
Weights and Balloons is an inexpensive technique that trans- forms a complex idea into something concrete and understandable. This technique is particularly useful for children who are de- pressed; however, it is useful with all children to illustrate the effect that thoughts have on feelings.

Child Play Therapy is for Anyone

In this picture a 16 year old boy drew a picture of his own feelings. I showed this picture in my 2hour presentation to show them that it is not only for children but kids our age and adults or even senior citizens can have a child play therapy session.

Child Abuse

This child's story was everything I could've never imagined. The things this baby went through had me in tears and knowing there are people out in the world who are doing this to children makes me sick to my stomach.

Child of Rage

The things that Happened to this child in her earlier childhood were sick and made her into who she was when this documentary was made. I was left speechless after watching this documentary.

Filial Therapy

Importance of having a parent/caregiver supporting a child which involves Child Development. Explain Filial Play Therapy and how it involves parents/caregivers, also explain the process in order to have a Filial Therapy session. I will talk about the importance of having a safe environment,and also how it helps the children have a better developmental way of communicating and understanding a child.

Sand Therapy

I came across a video ""0 to 5 in 30 Minutes! Sand Play Therapy"" that led me to this answer. This therapy technique is non-verbal. It explains why the most important tool that is being used in the room is the Sand Therapist themselves because they guide the play, maintain an attitude of readiness and acceptance from the moment the child walks in through the door. It also explains how one of the most important aspects is for the therapist to listen, how it connects the child's inner and outer worlds. I will also talk about how children are not always going to want to play out a traumatic event or a problem.

Release Therapy

Release Therapy is like story time with a twist. Children can create a puppet show, act out their feelings, or draw a picture. The importance of body language when using this technique and the importance of noticing what objects they chose to represent themselves or other people or things are big aspects and big parts to the story. Therapists also depict a picture by knowing the meanings of basic colors and how they will know what emotion each color means based on what is going on in the picture.

Blog 26: Senior Project Reflection

(1) Positive Statement
What are you most proud of in your 2-Hour Presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
One of the things I am most proud of is that I was able to explain everything in detail making sure that everyone was understanding what I was saying. Another thing I am proud of is that I was able to talk about serious stories I came a cross throughout my senior project without breaking down in tears of frustration because of what these children had to go through and face. Overall I am really proud of my senior project as a whole I have gained so much knowledge through this experience and if it wasn't for this project I would most likely still be unsure of the career I wish to pursue. 

(2) Questions to Consider
a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your 2-Hour Presentation (self-assessment)?

AE       P          AP       CR       NC
P+ to an AE

b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?

AE       P          AP       CR       NC
P+ to an AE

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
I think what worked the most throughout my senior project was having a mentor I was always able to talk to or email about any questions I had. 

(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would have you done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
I think I would have really put more time into my Interviews and incorporated more follow up questions even if they were all questions I had already asked her the day or week before. (I had many informal interviews.)

(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?  Be specific and use examples. 
Well as I stated before I have gained so much knowledge on my topic and my career choice. Something else that has been helpfull was my time at the day care where I was always interacting with the children helping them with their homework, playing with them, and sometimes having to give them a talk about misbehaving. By completing my independent component hours I was able to understand the way children think, communicate, and react to certain things. I will be using what I learned throughout my time in college, and throughout my career.